CX File Explorer Old Versions

CX File Explorer Old Versions | Navigating Backward Compatibility

In the dynamic world of technology, app updates like those for CX File Explorer aim to enhance functionality and user experience. However, the latest versions may not always be the best fit for older devices, potentially leading to compatibility issues or performance glitches. In such cases, rolling back to an older version of the app becomes a viable solution. This article focuses on accessing and utilizing older versions of CX File Explorer, particularly useful when newer updates are incompatible with your device.

Why Consider Older Versions?

New updates, although rich with features, can sometimes cause stability issues on older devices due to higher system requirements. Users might encounter app crashes, slow performance, or other operational problems. Opting for an older version of CX File Explorer can offer a more stable experience, better suited to the capabilities of such devices.

CX File Explorer Old Versions

CX File Explorer Version History on

The website provides a detailed version history of CX File Explorer, serving as a repository for users to download previous versions that may offer better compatibility with their devices. Each version listed on the site is virus-free and safe for download. Below are some noteworthy versions available:

VersionDateDownload Link
2.1.6Feb 1, 2024Download
2.14Dec 15,2023Download
2.1.3Dec 14, 2023Download
2.1.2Dec 10, 2023Download
2.1.1Dec 7, 2023Download
2.1.0Dec 7,2023Download
2.0.9Nov 24,2023Download
2.0.8Nov 23, 2023Download
2.07Nov 20, 2023Download
2.0.6Nov 16, 2023Download
2.0.5Nov 16,2023Download
2.0.3Sep 12, 2023Download
2.0.2Aug 24, 2023Download
2.0.0May 10, 2023Download
1.9.9May 10, 2023Download
1.9.8May 5, 2023Download
1.9.7Feb 26, 2023Download
1.9.6Jan 10, 2023Download
1.9.5Jan 4, 2023Download
1.9.4Dec 12, 2022Download

How to Rollback

To downgrade to an earlier version of CX File Explorer:

  1. Visit Go to the version history section.
  2. Select Your Preferred Version: Choose a version that aligns with your device specifications and needs.
  3. Download and Install: Follow the typical installation process after downloading the chosen version.


  • Compatibility Check: Confirm that the selected version is compatible with your device’s operating system.
  • Data Backup: Backup your data beforehand to prevent potential loss during the rollback.
  • Security Risks: Older versions may lack recent security updates, so weigh this against the benefits of stability and compatibility.


Opting for an older version of CX File Explorer from can be a strategic move for users dealing with compatibility issues on older devices. The comprehensive version history available on the site offers a safe and user-friendly way to access previous versions. While this approach can resolve compatibility issues, users should consider potential security risks and the absence of newer features before proceeding with a rollback.

CX File Explorer Old Versions | Navigating Backward Compatibility
Article Name
CX File Explorer Old Versions | Navigating Backward Compatibility
Navigate CX File Explorer old versions for better compatibility with your device. Ideal for seamless rollbacks and enhanced stability.
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CX File Explorer
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